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2023-24 Fair Share Commitment


Our Finance Committee and the Board of Directors have worked diligently to manage our budget to ensure that our synagogue remains financially viable even in the face of remarkable changes due to the need for enhanced security given recent events across the country, and inflation.

Our budgeted cost of operation in 2023-2024 will remain at $2990 per member household (the same as last year even in the face of inflation!).

You can help continue Temple Emanuel tradition of providing a warm and nurturing environment for all families by committing this amount. We strongly encourage you to make a commitment for the actual cost per family and if possible, give more to assist those families who cannot make the full commitment. As an added incentive, a generous Temple member has agreed to match any dues increase in excess of $100 over last year's pledge.

However, we know that some families are still being affected by the current economic climate and can not make that commitment. No family will ever be denied membership because they cannot afford to pay. If you have any concerns, please contact either of our treasurers and we will work with you to come up with a solution.

Please complete this form and submit it no later than August 15, 2023 to Temple Emanuel with your preferred schedule of payments (monthly via credit card or single payment). If you would like to make an alternative schedule of payments after the initial payment is processed, please indicate this on the form below and the bookkeeper, Lynn Landau ([email protected]), will be in touch with you to make appropriate arrangements. Please check the box at the end of the form if you would like to adjust monthly payments to include High Holy Day donations/school fees and our bookkeeper will be in touch following the holidays.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact:
Lew Shaffer, President, [email protected]
Len Farber, Treasurer, [email protected]
Melissa Perkal, Treasurer, [email protected]

Thank you for your continuing commitment to Temple Emanuel!


You will be able to enter the recurring payment information below.

Please select 'yes' If you would like our bookkeeper to contact you to add your High Holy Day pledge to your recurring payments after the Festivals.

If you have selected an alternative payment plan, please leave your comments here, including as much detail as possible.

Yes $36.00

ARZA is the single largest supporter of the Israel Movement for Reform and Progressive Judaism (IMPJ) and the Israel Religious Action Center (IRAC). Your membership allows ARZA to continue this important work.

Thank you for your continued support of the Temple Emanuel Community

Additional Information

You can still use a pen and paper to complete this pledge! Simply print out this form and send it with your check to the TE office.

Recurring Payment

Recurring Total:   

Account Details

Enter your name and e-mail address for your confirmation:

Payment Information


The fees are significantly lower for Electronic Checks. Please consider paying with an Electronic Check. If you are paying by credit card, please select YES to increase the amount by 3% to cover credit card fees.

For added Security please check the box below.